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History of human experimentation at Nihon University Hospital

It's a bit long, but it's something that can happen to anyone who may be hospitalized, not just to his son. Everyone gets sick someday.

Unfortunately, no one ends his life without getting sick.

In that sense, everyone can be in the position of a son.

If the human experimentation at Nihon University Hospital and the constitution of Kobe's Advanced Medical Promotion Foundation and JCR Farmer who conducted the human experimentation do not change, there is a possibility that the second and third sons will appear at any time. ..

However, the reason why my son was targeted is because we, Jimmy's parents, found the fact of the treatise forgery plan planned by Kobe's Advanced Medical Promotion Foundation and RIKEN, and It all started when I was noticed because I reported the fact to the police. Behind them are the giant weapons companies M and Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ. Later, Yoshiko Nakajima and RIKEN became our stalker, torturing Jimmy and beginning to interfere with Jimmy's father's work.

JCR Pharmaceuticals colluded with Yoshiko Nakajima and others, and took notice of the patent of Jimmy's father's company, Arblast USA , and attempted to take over the patent.

After that, Kobe's Advanced Medical Promotion Foundation and JCR Farmer forced Arblast into bankruptcy and began stealing patents owned by Arblast USA. (The documentary evidence has already been submitted to an American court)

After that, I wouldn't be satisfied with that alone. Jimmy's father has set out to hijack the patent for the "corneal regeneration sheet" using Motohiro Kasahara, a lawyer specializing in patent hijacking, and Chimaki Furusawa.

In fact, since the document of Motohiro Kasahara's identity fraud remained in the patent offices of the United States and Germany, it is natural that it will be a criminal case for patent fraud, a criminal case for identity fraud, and a case for damages in civil cases. It is a content that is actually being tried in the United States.

From now on, everything I will tell you is true.

To talk about this, we have to step into the dirty adhesion and human experimentation system between Japan's regenerative medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.

I have been in the world of regenerative medicine for almost 25 years, but it is a dirty world anyway. Whether the pharmaceutical industry or the murderer is scary is 100% pharmaceutical companies and regenerative medicine. Because they are conducting a human experiment called an indiscriminate mass murder called a clinical trial.

The victim is Jimmy.

I heard from Yoshiko Nakajima of the Kobe Advanced Medical Promotion Foundation and her boss, OO, that they said, "The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has nothing to do with it. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare cannot say anything no matter what they do. "It said. (Recorded tapes available, owned by several supporters in the US and London.) They are for pharmaceuticals and bioweapons, that is, pharmaceutical companies, OO funds, and giant weapons companies associated with Mitsubishi UFJ Bank. We are conducting a human experiment for people with disabilities in the name of a drug test for the market capitalization of our company's stock. Before conducting animal experiments, we use drugs for which side effects are unknown without the permission of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. And doctors at university hospitals, who are at their mercy, are repeating human experimentation with people with disabilities for status, power, and money.

Sasai Yoshiki confessed. At the same time, Yoshiki Sasai confessed about Jimmy.

"At the National Defense Medical College Hospital, a needle was pierced from the eye and adrenochrome was collected. At the same time, an allergy doctor put OOOOO in his brain. Nihon University was also undergoing human experimentation with bioweapons. Therefore, he was made short. JCR Pharmaceuticals was needed because it was a short stature pharmaceutical company. OOOO was used. When you use this OOOO, it enters the brain and makes you short. A few years later, JCR Pharmaceuticals will be commissioned to manufacture this OOOO. My son was experimented with for that. I confessed. (There is a recording tape. It is owned by several supporters in the United States and London.)

At the same time, "In Japan, people with disabilities and many foreigners are used for human experimentation on medicines. Yoshiki Sasai confessed. (There is a recording tape. It is owned by several supporters in the United States and London.)

When I heard this story, he said, "There can be no such thing as the movie world. Sasai is also lying to me to protect himself. I thought.

However, after that, Yoshiki Sasai committed suicide? There was another murder theory on the net as an abnormal suicide body in the form of. At this time, the fact that it was the OOOOO of Kyoto University who was slandering me and my husband who wrote the death of Yoshiki Sasai at the very beginning is also behind the fact that it is an OO fund and a huge bioweapon organization. It made me think that there was a possibility that there was a murder, and with this murder-like suicide, Yoshiki Sasai's words began to be credible, but at that time, with Nihon University Hospital and Tatsuhiko Urakami and Hiroshi Saito. I thought that Yoshiki Sasai's words would be a lie because JCR Farmer couldn't connect.

It was five years after Yoshiki Sasai died that I realized that all of Yoshiki Sasai's words were true.

JCR Farmer was so cleverly concealed from his relationship with Nihon University Hospital that he was completely deceived.

As Yoshiki Sasai put it, they were experimenting with short stature.

I remembered Yoshiki Sasai's words.

"Because they are OO, the country is acting together. So they don't show up until they're completely aware that neither the trial nor the police will move. If, in the future, JCR behaves in such a way that it doesn't matter what they do, even if they know what they are doing, they think that all the human experiments on their children have been completed. It is better. At that time, they probably completed the blood-brain barrier technology and gave their child's name a drug name that was reminiscent of the brain. It is a plan of JCR, Yoshiko Nakajima and OO. When you hear the name of the drug, you will immediately know that it is your child's name. 』\

If an amateur said this word, he would say, "What are you talking about? I think I didn't deal with it.

At that time, there was no technology for crossing the blood-brain barrier in the world, and it was said that such a thing was impossible, so I couldn't believe it right away. At the same time, if we have to do clinical trials of blood-brain barrier crossing technology, we will have to use the human brain, and considering the possibility of destroying the brain, no one should enter. I heard that every drug company was hesitant to clear clinical trials if it was considered an area.

My son did the horrific human experiment. What's more, Yoshiki Sasai's words that everyone can easily understand the name of his son and his son's brain are so amazing to me at that time that I couldn't believe it. It was the contents.

However, Sasai was a world-class brain expert who was said to have the potential to receive the Nobel Prize, and was a doctor of medicine at Kyoto University. Discoverer of the nerve-inducing factor "Chordin". He had a pioneering achievement in organoid research and was called a "brain maker". He has served as a professor at the Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, a group director at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB), and a deputy director. It is the authority of the brain of the career.

It is not said by an amateur, but by Yoshiki Sasai, a professional among such brain professionals. Still, it wasn't something I could believe right away, so I ended the story by showing you the evidence next time.

Immediately after that, did Yoshiki Sasai commit suicide? Because of that, I didn't get any proof, so to be honest, it ended up as a story that I couldn't do.

But those Sasai words were all facts.

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