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Hiroshi Saito's human experimentation

Recording tape


Recording tape tape raising

Hiroshi Saito: (Nihon University) is sending people there (Ashikaga no Mori Ashikaga Hospital). there. And then ... Hey, I can't talk to the hospital so much, so if possible, in reality, somewhere other than the hospital, mom. I think I should talk to my dad, but there are various strategies. 』\

Mother: "What? (I don't understand what Saito is trying to say, and I feel sick.) "

Hiroshi Saito "Ah ... Make it a situation where I can go there on a regular basis. After all, when I'm a university hospital, it's difficult to do various things. 』\

Mother: "What? (I don't understand what Saito is trying to say, and I feel sick.) "

Hiroshi Saito "Ahhhhh! Well, it's a bit of an inner story, but what do you call it? It's hard to say that it's an aggressive treatment, or a treatment that isn't a general treatment at a university, so it's okay. Using the place of Ashikaga ~. (Human experimentation) Well, a little, so-called operation, that one. Ah ~! I can't do well over there. I think it's definitely a good idea to find a place, but it's not like the medical treatment I talked about earlier. Hello ~ Hello.

Mother "Yes? (I don't understand what Saito is trying to say, and I feel sick.) "

Hiroshi Saito: That's what it is. Ah, I'm a little wondering if I can do it, but rather, I say that it's easier for me to stay in Ashikaga, and that I'm going to create a system where I can go with choco choco, of course. I may have to cooperate with my mother a little, but ah ~~~~~~~! Oh yeah, well, I'm thinking about that now ~. 』\

Mother: "What? (I don't understand what Saito is trying to say, and I feel sick.) "

Hiroshi Saito: Rather, I'm wondering if it was good. When I say Tenryu, I'm completely separated, so even if I can go there once in a while, I can't speak at all. However, all the Ashikaga teachers know, and the staff members were there with me, so I know, so I'm in a position to speak out in various ways. So, why don't you just wonder if that is better? 』\

mother "···? (Can't you reply because you don't understand what you're saying?) ”

Hiroshi Saito: However, when I was in Ashikaga, I was actually doing quite aggressive things, as to whether or not to do aggressive things (human experimentation) there. Most of the time, all of them are chronic patients and they don't change, but I've been able to do a lot of things, and they all cooperated, so I wonder if there is such a teacher. Whether to do it or not. 』\

Mother: "What? (I don't understand what Saito is trying to say, and I feel sick.) "

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